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ttkbootstrap.dialogs.dialogs.MessageDialog (Dialog)

A simple modal dialog class that can be used to build simple message dialogs.

Displays a message and a set of buttons. Each of the buttons in the message window is identified by a unique symbolic name. After the message window is popped up, the message box awaits for the user to select one of the buttons. Then it returns the symbolic name of the selected button. Use a Toplevel widget for more advanced modal dialog designs.

__init__(self, message, title=' ', buttons=None, command=None, width=50, parent=None, alert=False, default=None, padding=(20, 20), icon=None, **kwargs) special


Name Type Description Default
message str

A message to display in the message box.

title str

The string displayed as the title of the message box. This option is ignored on Mac OS X, where platform guidelines forbid the use of a title on this kind of dialog.

' '
buttons List[str]

A list of buttons to appear at the bottom of the popup messagebox. The buttons can be a list of strings which will define the symbolic name and the button text. ['OK', 'Cancel']. Alternatively, you can assign a bootstyle to each button by using the colon to separate the button text and the bootstyle. If no colon is found, then the style is set to 'primary' by default. ['OK:success','Cancel:danger'].

command Tuple[Callable, str]

The function to invoke when the user closes the dialog. The actual command is a tuple that consists of the function to call and the symbolic name of the button that closes the dialog.

width int

The maximum number of characters per line in the message. If the text stretches beyond the limit, the line will break at the word.

parent Widget

Makes the window the logical parent of the message box. The messagebox is displayed on top of its parent window.

alert bool

Ring the display's bell when the dialog is shown.

default str

The symbolic name of the default button. The default button is invoked when the the key is pressed. If no default is provided, the right-most button in the button list will be set as the default.,

padding (Union[int, Tuple[int]]

The amount of space between the border and the widget contents.

(20, 20)
icon str

An image path, path-like object or image data to be displayed to the left of the text.

**kwargs Dict

Other optional keyword arguments.



root = tk.Tk()

md = MessageDialog("Displays a message with buttons.")
Source code in ttkbootstrap/dialogs/
def __init__(
    title=" ",
    padding=(20, 20),

        message (str):
            A message to display in the message box.

        title (str):
            The string displayed as the title of the message box.
            This option is ignored on Mac OS X, where platform
            guidelines forbid the use of a title on this kind of

        buttons (List[str]):
            A list of buttons to appear at the bottom of the popup
            messagebox. The buttons can be a list of strings which
            will define the symbolic name and the button text.
            `['OK', 'Cancel']`. Alternatively, you can assign a
            bootstyle to each button by using the colon to separate the
            button text and the bootstyle. If no colon is found, then
            the style is set to 'primary' by default.

        command (Tuple[Callable, str]):
            The function to invoke when the user closes the dialog.
            The actual command is a tuple that consists of the
            function to call and the symbolic name of the button that
            closes the dialog.

        width (int):
            The maximum number of characters per line in the message.
            If the text stretches beyond the limit, the line will break
            at the word.

        parent (Widget):
            Makes the window the logical parent of the message box.
            The messagebox is displayed on top of its parent window.

        alert (bool):
            Ring the display's bell when the dialog is shown.

        default (str):
            The symbolic name of the default button. The default
            button is invoked when the the <Return> key is pressed.
            If no default is provided, the right-most button in the
            button list will be set as the default.,

        padding  (Union[int, Tuple[int]]):
            The amount of space between the border and the widget

        icon (str):
            An image path, path-like object or image data to be
            displayed to the left of the text.

        **kwargs (Dict):
            Other optional keyword arguments.


        root = tk.Tk()

        md = MessageDialog("Displays a message with buttons.")
    super().__init__(parent, title, alert)
    self._message = message
    self._command = command
    self._width = width
    self._alert = alert
    self._default = (default,)
    self._padding = padding
    self._icon = icon
    self._localize = kwargs.get("localize")

    if buttons is None:
        self._buttons = [
        self._buttons = buttons

create_body(self, master)

Overrides the parent method; adds the message section.

Source code in ttkbootstrap/dialogs/
def create_body(self, master):
    """Overrides the parent method; adds the message section."""
    container = ttk.Frame(master, padding=self._padding)
    if self._icon:
            # assume this is image data
            self._img = ttk.PhotoImage(data=self._icon)
            icon_lbl = ttk.Label(container, image=self._img)
            icon_lbl.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5)
                # assume this is a file path
                self._img = ttk.PhotoImage(file=self._icon)
                icon_lbl = ttk.Label(container, image=self._img)
                icon_lbl.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5)
                # icon is neither data nor a valid file path
                print("MessageDialog icon is invalid")

    if self._message:
        for msg in self._message.split("\n"):
            message = "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(msg, width=self._width))
            message_label = ttk.Label(container, text=message)
            message_label.pack(pady=(0, 3), fill=X, anchor=N)
    container.pack(fill=X, expand=True)

create_buttonbox(self, master)

Overrides the parent method; adds the message buttonbox

Source code in ttkbootstrap/dialogs/
def create_buttonbox(self, master):
    """Overrides the parent method; adds the message buttonbox"""
    frame = ttk.Frame(master, padding=(5, 5))

    button_list = []

    for i, button in enumerate(self._buttons[::-1]):
        cnf = button.split(":")
        if len(cnf) == 2:
            text, bootstyle = cnf
            text = cnf[0]
            bootstyle = "secondary"

        if self._localize == True:
            text = MessageCatalog.translate(text)

        btn = ttk.Button(frame, bootstyle=bootstyle, text=text)
        btn.bind("<Return>", lambda _: btn.invoke())
        btn.configure(command=lambda b=btn: self.on_button_press(b))
        btn.pack(padx=2, side=RIGHT)
        btn.lower()  # set focus traversal left-to-right

        if self._default is not None and text == self._default:
            self._initial_focus = btn
        elif self._default is None and i == 0:
            self._initial_focus = btn

    # bind default button to return key press and set focus
    self._toplevel.bind("<Return>", lambda _, b=btn: b.invoke())
    self._toplevel.bind("<KP_Enter>", lambda _, b=btn: b.invoke())

    frame.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X, anchor=S)

    if not self._initial_focus:
        self._initial_focus = button_list[0]

on_button_press(self, button)

Save result, destroy the toplevel, and execute command.

Source code in ttkbootstrap/dialogs/
def on_button_press(self, button):
    """Save result, destroy the toplevel, and execute command."""
    self._result = button["text"]
    command = self._command
    if command is not None:

show(self, position=None)

Create and display the popup messagebox.

Source code in ttkbootstrap/dialogs/
def show(self, position=None):
    """Create and display the popup messagebox."""